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Firaun Dead At Sea ?

Written By jack sparrow on Tuesday, January 17, 2012 | 10:11 AM

Humans only think by logic alone, and reveal the extent of the scholarship that is just so little compared to the almighty Allah knows in everything. truth has been open and it could prove that the Quran is not a lie. Some people consider the history of Firaun in the Quran is a lie, how many experts who claim it. but Allah almighty power everything. with the permission of Allah had opened the eyes and minds of men who deny the truth, In the Quran was found about 30 times Allah Almighty describes the story of Moses and Firaun , a story that is not known to the public at the time, except through the Old Testament. But one thing was striking was the Qur'an has been revealed that a breakdown was not revealed by any one book before, even not known except that lived during the incident, which is in the twelfth century BC, or about 3,200 years ago .Let's look a little story of Firaun revealed by the Qur'an: 
وجاوزنا ببني إسرائيل البحر فأتبعهم فرعون وجنوده بغيا وعدوا حتى إذا أدركه الغرق قال آمنت أنه لا إله إلا الذي آمنت به بنو إسرائيل وأنا من المسلمين
090. We took the Children of Israel across the sea, and they were followed by Pharaoh and his army, that they might persecute and oppress (them) till, when Pharaoh had been nearly drowned, he said: "I believe that there is no god but God trusted by the Children of Israel, and I am among those who have surrendered (to Allah) ".
091. Is now (you just got to believe), when in fact you had been ungodly long ago, and you include those who do mischief. 092. So on this day We save your body so that you can be a lesson for those who come after you and in fact most of the people heedless of Our portents. (Surah Yunus [10]: 90-92)
The bottom line in the context of this discussion is his word, which reads: "Today we save your body, that ye be a lesson for generations to come after you."
Indeed, people know that the Firaun drowned in the Red Sea while pursuing Moses and his people, where the proof of this is given further by an archeologist named Ron Wyatt in late 1988 ago which claimed that he had found several carcasses of ancient chariot wheels in Red Sea Firaun and his army used during the pursuit of Prophet Moses, but also the safety of his body and can be a lesson for subsequent generations is one thing that is not known to anyone at the time of Prophet Muhammad are not even mentioned by the Old and New Testaments.
Once again on the decline in the Qur'an 14 centuries ago, no one knows where the real ruler of the sunken in, and how well the sequel is going through. But in 1898, purbakalawan Loret, found the body of the character in the form of mummies in the Wadi al-Muluk (Valley of the Kings) is in the area of ​​Thaba, Luxor, across the River Nile, Egypt. Then July 8, 1907, Elliot Smith opened tampons and found bodies mummified pharaohs are still in one piece. Head and neck open, parts of his body is still covered with a cloth and placed in a crate all glass that allows visitors to the Egyptian Museum to see it clearly. Unfortunately, in about 1985, Egyptian authorities closed the room where the mummy to the public, because apparently influences from the outside and the air pollution caused by micro-organisms have affected the state of the mummies.
But before one day in mid-1975, an offer from the French government came to the Egyptian government. European countries offered aid to research, study, and analyze the mummy of Firaun. The offer was welcomed by Egypt. After obtaining approval from the government of Egypt, Pharaoh's mummy was then carried to France. In fact, the French made a party welcoming the arrival of the mummy of Firaun with a very lively party. The mummy was taken to a special room in the French Archeological Center, which then performed the research as well as reveal secrets behind by leading scientists and experts and autopsy surgeons in France. Leader of the surgeon as well as primary responsibility in this mummy research is Prof. Dr. Maurice Bucaille. Bucaille is a famous French surgeon and has chaired the surgical clinic at the University of Paris. Bucaille began her career in the medical field in 1945 as an expert Gastroenterology.
After doing peneltian of mummies TSB, was the final result which he obtained very surprising! The remains of the salt are attached to the body of the mummy is the biggest proof that he had died by drowning. His body was immediately removed from the sea and then to immediately embalmed mummified so durable. But the discovery still leaves a question in the professor's head: "How can the body was better than the other bodies, when he was expelled from the sea?"
Prof. Bucaille then prepare a final report about something which he believed as a new discovery, which is about saving Firaun's body from the sea and preservation. This final report he published under the title The mummy of Firaun; A Modern Medical Research, with its original title, Les momies des Firauns et la midecine. Thanks to this book, she received the Prix Diane Le-Potier-Boes (award in history) and Prix of the Academie Frantaise General (General Award) from the Academie Nationale de Medicine, France.
Associated with the formulation of the final report, one of his colleagues whispered something in his ear and said: "Do not hurry because the Muslims have actually talked about the sinking of this mummy". Bucaille initially vigorously deny this news at once thought impossible. According to him, the disclosure of a secret like this can not be known except by the development of modern science, through the latest sophisticated equipment and accurate. Until one of them says that Muslims believe the Qur'an has narrated the story of the sinking of the Firaun and then rescued his corpse. The phrase was more confusing Bucaille. Then, he began to think and wonder. How could it happen? In fact, the mummy was discovered in 1898 AD, while the Qur'an has existed thousands of years earlier, He sat all night looking at the corpse of Firaun and keep thinking about it.His speech was still ringing dibenaknya, that the AlQuran, the Muslim holy book, has been talking about the story of Firaun that his body was rescued from the destruction of thousands of years ago. Meanwhile, in the scriptures of other religions, just talk about the sinking of the Firaun in the middle of the ocean in pursuit of Moses, and not talking about the body of Firaun. Bucaille even more confused and kept thinking about it.He said to himself, "Does it make sense in my mummy is going to catch Moses Firaun?
Is it reasonable, Muhammad knew it, but what happened there before the Qur'an revealed?’
Prof. Bucaille can not sleep, he asked to be brought Torah (Old Testament).
He too read the Torah is telling: A third part again (as before), cover the trains, horsemen, and the entire army of Firaun that goes into the sea behind them, not behind any of them" (they all died including Firaun) [Book Exodus 14:28]
Then he compares with the New Testament gospel, Apparently, the books they will also not talking about the body of Firaun rescued and still remain intact.Because of that, he was more confused
After repairs to the body of Firaun and pemumiannya, France returned to the Egyptian mummies, However, no decision has delighted him, there is no peace of mind that made him ever since he got the news of his findings and those, namely the news that the Muslims have told each other about the rescue of the corpse, He also decided to meet a number of scientists autopsy of the Muslims
From here then there was talk for the first time by researchers and scientists Muslims.
He asked about the life of Moses, Firaun's deeds done, and the pursuit at Moses until he drowned and how the body of Firaun rescued from the sea, So, stand among Muslim scholars as he opened the copy of the AlQuean and read to Bucaille word of Allah which means: "So today we save your body so that you can be a lesson for those who come after you and in fact most of people off guard Signs of Us. (Surah Yunus: 92),
This verse is very touching Bucaille, He said that the verses of the AlQuran is reasonable and push science forward, His heart trembled, and the vibrations it made him stand before the people in attendance while calling loudly: "Really I converted to Islam and I believe in this AlQuran
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4 komentar:

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Touching... but..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

subhanallah Allah is capable to do anything

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